We're living in an age of evil 😈

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we are ruled by Satanist sand pedophiles

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How about a report on the Jesuit Order, their oath of induction, what John Adams, Napoleon, Samuel Morse, Abraham Lincoln said about them, how the Jesuits are connected to world secret societies, and how people from house of Rothschild to Fauci\Trump\Biden\Cuomo\Newsom are connected?

Maybe start with this video for summary info?


Bill Hughes - The Vatican's Role In The New World Order


It's the elephant in the room. The Knights of Malta created the American intelligence network, look at the founders of the agencies.

Take a look at the works of these authors:

Samuel Morse (1791-1872; American inventor of the telegraph; author of the book Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States, published 1841)

John Dowling 1807-1878 (History of Romanism)

Dr. J. A. Wylie LL.D. (History of the Jesuits, published 1878)

Brigadier General Thomas M. Harris wrote the book, “Rome’s responsibility for the assassination of Abraham Lincoln” – which exposes the work of the Jesuits.

Justin Fulton ("Washington in the Lap of Rome" published 1888)

Charles Chiniquy (former Roman Catholic priest, close friend of Abraham Lincoln)

Avro Manhattan (Vatican Billions, Vatican in World Politics)

Luther S. Kauffman (Romanism As A World Power, published 1921)

Edmond Paris (Secret History of the Jesuits)

Bill Cooper (Behold A Pale Horse)

Bill Cooper says the Jesuits are the Illuminati while taking a question on his radio show (1993)


Antony Sutton (America's Secret Establishment)

Alberto Rivera (former Jesuit priest)


Richard Bennett (former Roman Catholic priest of 20+ years)

Tupper Saussy (Rulers of Evil)

Paul L.Williams (Operation Cladio)

Bill Hughes

David Nikao Wilcoxson


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Democrats are hazardous to your health.

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