The best thing the VA could do for the vets is to give them a voucher card for private medical care wherever they choose. Stop trying to control their care and let them choose. Shut down most of the CBOCs that are a horrible waste of money with too much red tape. Keep the war time hospitals that provide the best care for those needs. Let private docs refer vets directly to the VA hospitals.

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I agree. They should give every vet that’s in the system a gold card that guarantees payment to any medical service provider on the planet, that treats a US veteran. All existing VA medical facilities should be privatized or turned into assisted living apartments, so vets and their spouses could spend their last days in dignity. They’ve earned that.

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What happened to the Mission Choice Act which allowed vets to be referred to public hospitals when VA services were not available?

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VA docs had less to do so it was scaled back, at least where I had some experience.

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The VA is a joke anymore. Sure, there be some VA clinics and hospitals that are providing good care, but the majority are not. The disability system is broken, not granting disabilities to those who deserve it (myself included). They have "forgotten those who served" and it's a shame to have to say that, but it's true. I have started going back to my private doctor. It's good thing I still have that medical coverage to fall back on.

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They are pulling VA doctors to serve the illegals.

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